Course Content

C Programming

  1. Difference between turbo c and gcc
  2. why gcc we are using
  3. Unix operating basic Commands
    like how to create directory , change directory command
  4. Compilation stages in Embedded C
  5. C language Features & Why Embedded C
  6. Structure of Embedded C Programming
  7. Embedded C laguage getting stated for first program (any simple program without any logic just simple program )
  8. Embedded C character set , keywords , Identifiers
  9. Escape sequences
  10. Data types in Embedded C
    1. Pre-defined data types
    2. User-defined data types
  11.  Constants
    1. Numeric constants & Real constants
    2. Character constants
    3. String constants
  12. Variables , Expressions , Statements ,Comments
  13. Reading and writing output data
  14. Formatted input and output for integers , floating point numbers and strings
  15. Getchar and putchar and some examples
  16. Embedded C Operators
    1. Arithmetic operators
    2. Assignment operators
    3. Increment and decrement operators
    4. Relational operators
    5. Logical operators
    6. Conditional operator (ternary operator)
    7. Bitwise operators
    8. Comma , size of , other operators
    9. Memory optimization concept in Linux
  17. Type convesions in Embedded C
  18. Operators precedence , associativity and order of Evaluating operands on one example
  19. Conditional statements
    1. if …..... else
    2. else ….... if
    3. While
    4. for
    5. do …. while
    6. switch
  20. Unconditional statements
    1. Break
    2. Continue
    3. Goto …......... labels
  21. GDB tool Introducing
  22. Operations on bits using Embedded C
  23. Embedded C Array's and Stirngs
    1. Why array's and What are array's
    2. Advantages and Disadvantages of array's
    3. Defination , declaration , initialization and processing of One-dimensional array with some examples
    4. Defination , declaration , initialization and processing of Two-dimensional array with some examples
    5. Defination , declaration , initialization and processing of Three-dimensional array with some examples
    6. Definition , declaration , Initialization of char rater array (String ) . ( Initialization with character by character and with Double quotes and differentiate them also )
    7. Introduce some string pre- defined functions ( show some syntaxes in manual pages )
    8. Two- dimensional array of characters and give some examples about strings
  24. Pointers and functions with Embeddedd C
    1. About Memory
    2. Address operator
    3. What is pointer
    4. pointer declaration , accessing and dereferencing pointer
    5. Pointer arthemetic
    6.            Precedence of dereferencing operator and Increment / Decrement operators ,pointer Comparisions
    7. Define single , double and thrible pointers declaration , Intialization and accessing of these pointers .
    8. Internal relation between pointers with
      1. One dimentional array
      2. Two-dimensional array
    9. Difference between character pointer and character array
  25. Functions
    1. What is and why function
    2. Advantages and disadvantages of functions
    3. Library functions and user defined functions
    4. Function declaration , definition and calling
    5. More about declaration , why declaration , what will happened if declaration obsent
    6. Return statement
    7. Function arguments in Call by value method Call by reference method
    8. main() function
    9. Storage classes
    10. array of pointers
    11. Pointer to an array
  26. Pointer with functions using Embeddedd C
    1. Pointers and functions
    2. Function returning pointer
    3. array of pointer
    4. Pointer to an array
    5. arrays passing to functions
      1. passing a 1-D array to a function
      2. Passing a 2-D array to a function
    6. Give some examples and excersices on combination of pointers and functions
    7. Define some types of pointers like void , NULL pointers ,Dangling pointer , generic pointer ….........
  27.   a) b)
  28. Recursion with Embeddedd C
    1. What is and why recursion
    2. Advantages and disadvantages of recursion
    3. Local variables in recursion
    4. some examples on recursion
  29. Discuss about memory concept using Embeddedd C
    1. Static memory allocation
    2. Dynamic memory allocation
    3. Dynaimc memory allocation functions
    4. Dynamic memory functions for array of pointer , pointer to an array
  30. Function pointers with Embeddedd C
  31. 29) Array of function pointers with Embeddedd C
  32. The Preprocessor with Embeddedd C
    1. #define
    2. Defining Function-like Macros
    3. #error
    4. #include
  33. Conditional Compilation Directives
    1. #if, #else, #elif, and #endif
    2. #ifdef and #ifndef
    3. #undef
  34. Using defined
    1. #line