
Write a program to reverse link list ?


typedef struct emp_s{

JNTU       JNTU Anathapur       B.TECH      

write a program to reverse link list ?


typedef struct emp_s{

JNTU       JNTU Anathapur       B.TECH      

Write a program for data structure for student marks with union ?

#include< stdio.h>
#include< string.h>

#define PHYMARKS 1
#define CHEMMARKS 2

JNTU       JNTU Anathapur       B.TECH      

Write a function for string copy ?

void stringcopy(char *src, char *dest)
while(*src != '\0')
*dest = *src;

JNTU       JNTU Anathapur       B.TECH      

What is the output of the program ?

#include< stdio.h>

int array[] = { 20 , 23, 34, 33, 45, 23 , 45, 46, 34, 87};

JNTU       JNTU Anathapur       B.TECH      

What is the output of the program ?

#include< stdio.h>
#include< stdlib.h>


JNTU       JNTU Anathapur       B.TECH      

Is the program correct ?

#include< stdio.h>
#include< stdlib.h>
#include< string.h>

JNTU       JNTU Anathapur       B.TECH      

what is the output of a program ?

#include< stdio.h>


JNTU       JNTU Anathapur       B.TECH      

what is the output of a program ?

#include< stdio.h>

unsigned int a = 10;

JNTU       JNTU Anathapur       B.TECH      

what is the output of a program ?

#include< stdio.h>

int a, x;

JNTU       JNTU Anathapur       B.TECH      

what is the output of a program ?

#include< stdio.h>

int a, x;

JNTU       JNTU Anathapur       B.TECH      

Write a program by using function pointer for add and multiply ?

#include< stdio.h>

int add(int a, int b);
int multiply(int x, int y);

JNTU       JNTU Anathapur       B.TECH      

Write a program for main to print factorial of a number using recursion?

#include< stdio.h>
int rec(int x);


JNTU       JNTU Anathapur       B.TECH      

Write a program for main to print factorial of a number ?

#include< stdio.h>

int globalValue = 5;

int factorial(int x);

JNTU       JNTU Anathapur       B.TECH      

Write a program for dereferencing pointer ?

#include< stdio.h>

int array[] = { 20, 30, 40, 50 , 60};

JNTU       JNTU Anathapur       B.TECH      

Write a program for infinite loop ?

#include< stdio.h>


JNTU       JNTU Anathapur       B.TECH      

Write a program to print command line arguments ?

#include< stdio.h>
main(int argc, char* argv[])
int i;
printf("Number of arguments : %d\n", argc);

JNTU       JNTU Anathapur       B.TECH      

Write a function to swap values using call by reference ?

#include< stdio.h>

void swapfun(int*, int*);

JNTU       JNTU Anathapur       B.TECH      

Write add function by taking two integer variables as arguments and return output ?

int addfun(int x, int y)
int z = 0;

z = x + y;

JNTU       JNTU Anathapur       B.TECH      

How to understand pointer usage in data structure, explain ?

#include< stdio.h>
#include< stdlib.h>

typedef struct node_s{
int index;

JNTU       JNTU Anathapur       B.TECH